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Thank you - there were good times and bad times! but overall glad to have gone through the process and had my web 2.0 horizon broadened. Lots of good things that you can play with but overall I think zoho is going to be my most used favourite - at the moment anyway!
Thought the Rotorua Public library bebo page was good - visually and the way the information on it was set out. On reflection I can see a place for organisation like libraries to develope profiles in bebo, facebook etc but I still couldn't bring myself to login - I know it's widely used by everybody - my daughter is on facebook and sister in law - but I've also seen too many young people angst over how many friends they have and it becomes a competitive body count so call me boring, but it's not for me.
Social networking is something that I could never really put my heart into. It has become a way to communicate without really communicating. Young people particularly have learned to reveal themselves in a way they could never do face to face.
However if a library chooses to be part of it, and I can see it would be another way to reach younger people it would be good to aim to ultimately still draw them to the library and not just become another page to click on and play.
Looked for Romeo and Juliet in Librivox - putting in Shakespeare as author resulted in 3 searches - 1 version available and 2 to be completed. When I searched leaving out author I found 15 other matches - however some were monologues from the play, or just 1 act or scene, not the complete play. Listened to a chapter of David Copperfield ( chap 27) and put in a blogline feed of the chapter by chapter book podcasts. A list is sent to you of the current books being read. Anyone can volunteer to be a reader! Some can be downloaded onto a portable player or listened to on your own computer.
Much prefer the idea of podcasts to youtube for spreading the library word - saw lots of library podcasts which had regular storytimes, book reviews. There could be talks on events at the library and specific collections or services that people may not know of.
Added a podcast feed from the British Library plus a couple of related feeds that let you know of new and interesting sites.
youtube is fun - you can see everything from weird cats to whole documentaries in segments -
I managed to embed the video I liked. The whirling dervishes have always fascinated me and to have them in a library would be great. Libraries could perhaps use videos as a means of advertising and showing what a library can provide. Most of the ones I've seen on youtube seem to be more preaching to the converted and having fun which is good but I'm not sure if they would attract people who don't know much about the services libraries can offer people now. is a great site - over 50 million second hand used and rare books can be accessed - it is a straight forward site to use with every category of book covered. The prices are there with a description of the condition of the book. The library could use the site when looking for older books they wish to have back in the collection or need to replace. There could also be a link on the library website for patrons if they are trying to track down a particular book. Recommended!
Thought zoho writer was fun and would use it for writing drafts of letters or anything I felt like trying out- being able to share is good - if I wrote and wanted someone else's opinion they could have a look without needing to send it separately to them - lots of gadgets to use on the site as well.
I'm sorry but I didn't like this site - it drove me mad creating the account and I can think of simpler ways to search my favourite websites - however I can see it would be a way of keeping all your sites together for research purposes.
- a painting by Vassilev of a place in Friesland -
I really liked Librarything - have only put on a few books to look at the system but will go back and put in more later - main good aspects for me were reading reviews that other people had written - some very well written and well thought out reviews. Also looked at Librarians for Librarything and read a section on computer rage! in libraries.
A good site and will use more fully later.
Had a lot of fun looking at Generator - all these things are a great way of making you feel inspired to create so a lot of time passed - dedicated this wordle haiku to the last hour..or so!
Wiki sandbox is a fun idea - good way to get to know the likes,dislikes and views of the community that you work in - interesting to see what others are reading and watching. Like other online sites you can make them as deep or as light as you want.
Wikis are a great idea - they just need to improve their reputation... I like the way the Booklovers Wiki was set out and it would be great if on the OPAC we could have links to book review sites for people to look - divided into genres - and maybe some staff book reviews or recommendations.
Like everything else libraries will have to evolve but to have them entirely immersed in technology , particularly public libraries doesn't inspire me - one of the readings presented quite a good picture of the circle turning with the original meditative style library becoming a luxury of the future!
Technorati seemed very sensible but didn't interest me to look at - tried to look at a video on 2.0 but took so long to come up I gave up - searching 2.0 produced lots of results - the blog search seemed to give more specific results - didn't feel like claiming my blog - the site seemed to have a stream of gossip sites constantly advertised at the bottom of the page. I'm sorry but couldn't get inspired !
Really liked the site - I liked the fact that it could be accessed from any computer which means you could be away from home in an internet cafe, still need certain information quickly and it would be easy to find. I looked up limoncello which I want to make this summer and there was lots of sites. Also interested to see on a library website word association cloud on their teen page. Commoncraft video was good this time.
Looked at PLCMCL2,s and thought it was a good area for reference and for getting help . Noticed the Library Thing which is a good online way of storing your personal books and read on someone else's blog on how to have an expandable blog ( I think that was what it said!). Also,you could refer there(PLCMCL) for learning about RSS - wish I had seen it earlier.. so a good tool to use if we get stuck or want more information - Lots of ideas and suggestions - tags were handy and words we can relate to in doing this web 2.0.
Looked at the different places to access feeds - syndic8 was offline when i tried it - found the technorati site rather boring - topix was a good site for easy to read headlines for news feeds but I think I like bloglines the best - straightforward, has all the sites you could possibly want and very simple to navigate and the name is easy to remember!
When I first looked at the exercise the whole thing seemed complicated and I found the little learning videos on youtube didn't enlighten me at all - finally after much dithering I just went ahead and created a blogline account which was really easy - created a folder for myself and added several feeds - the ones I liked the best were from overseas magazines giving book reviews of new books coming out - often I don't seem to discover new books until they arrive in the library or, if it's fiction, I've been reading a series and want the next one! It's easy to do and you can create a folder of whatever you want to follow - book reviews, news and the next one I want to add is a daily cartoon called Get Fuzzy about a cat...
this butterfly is beautiful and it finally came !
was expecting a butterfly but it never came
It may be cliched and it's been around for a while but the best technology for me has been my cellphone. When my first born went overseas 5 years ago and he was roaming everywhere and completely involved in whatever! all it took was a text that said hi and all's ok for me to be able to relax - yes detail would have been nice but that would come later with the miracle of the occasional email - another great invention. I remember talking to a lady , a very elderly english lady who told the story of her 22 year old son leaving England - he had decided to migrate to NZ - he disappeared onto the boat and she never heard anything for 2 months until the long awaited letter arrived! So my tiny phone stayed on 24 hours a day, especially when the other was away as well - and there is a lot that can be said on that tiny machine and on the tiny screen in a few words.
Mosaics - had a look at the different fun things on flickr - you could spend a lot of time there playing but after spending some time finding the cheese through their multicoloured maze I decided to make a mosaic - even an unartistic person like myself can feel almost crafty playing around with colour and patterns
I enjoyed looking through the Flickr site. I've looked at it before and had found a photo of my son in London taken a few years ago - he hadn't realised it was there! Decided not to make a Flickr account as something in me doesn't feel like creating too many accounts even though you can delete - I think it's a long standing privacy issue.. however decided to go for Morocco - love everything about the design and the colour, especially the colour.
just playing with colour !
I have titled this blog greetings because at the this is the only certainty I know in the world of blogging. Blogging brings up many different associative thoughts and ideas but none of them are personal or as yet have been used to relate to my everyday life. I'm not even sure if the colour of the lettering I've chosen is going to show
up in the template. As I write thoughts are going on as to whether this will actually end up on a page or has it gone horribly wrong and this will end up where? so that is why my title is more a question. Anyway, the challenge will be to lose my fear of the unknown and to find out what, why and how and see where it goes...